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 Millie Dienert

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There are now 40 Millie's Schools, named for Millie Dienert, were funded as a memorial to her life with thankfulness to God for His abundant blessings.   

Millie was a lady of many titles including, American Churchwoman of the Year in 1990.   Billy Graham called her the Christian World’s    First Lady of Prayer because she assembled a worldwide prayer  chain of more than 1 million people in 106 countries to pray for some of the greatest evangelistic  efforts of our time.   She was known as “The Flying Grandmother,” a title she earned as a result of hundreds of thousands of air miles she traveled to her speaking engagements around the world.  

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With Millie at Amsterdam 2000

Millie received the Religious Heritage of America’s “Churchwoman of the Year Award” in 1990 because of her significant contribution to the religious life of America. 


Millie Dienert was the Prayer Chairman for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association for 50 years.  The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association invited her to visit cities where the evangelist would hold crusades, to encourage volunteers to pray for his Crusades. 

Beginning with Billy Graham’s 1954 London Crusade, she began her worldwide ministry as a Christian Speaker.   She urged the world to pray for such 20th century evangelistic efforts as the Lausanne Congress on World Evangelism in 1974 and 1983 and the 1986 and 2000 conferences for traveling evangelists held in the Netherlands.

The Bible was her guidebook for living.   Millie brought her listeners words of encouragement and inspiration as she told them how to apply the timeless truths of the Bible in situations they confront in their daily lives.   She was the speaker, board member and International Consultant of the Christian Women’s Club of America and continued to teach Bible classes into her 90’s.

To help the students to know Milllie Dienert  we ask the teachers to consider a banner or plaque with the words below on it.    May it be an encouragement to the children to aspire to live up to the high spiritual ideals that Millie possessed!


                                Millie Dienert

The Foundation of her ministry was Character


The Nature of her ministry was Service


The Motive of her ministry was Love


The Measure of her ministry was Sacrifice


The Authority of her ministry was submission

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